Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Soc project 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Soc project 2 - Essay Example They eventually find a place where they connect with one of them and then start life over the place. The traditional life they leave is depicted when they carry their luggage in a skin that they later on use as the covering material for their houses (National Film Board of Canada, 1967). The cultural theme is set in a way that woman does chores that are quite different from those undertaken by men in any traditional society. As men keep themselves busy with construction of their Eskimos it is clearly shown that there is close relationship between the family members when their female counterparts assists them by carrying stones to put around the Eskimo. This film gives out the real picture of what happened in the Eskimo life and way of life before the days of the European acculturation. The cultural and the economic life majorly depended on the use of land and fishing. Life over the arctic regions was totally rigorous. Men and women of the Eskimos purely struggled to make the ends mee t. (National Film Board of Canada, 1967) The traditional way of life is fully portrayed in a manner that it shows women doing their chores in a way that is totally different from the modern set ups where people use modern means of food preparation, storage, transportation and housing system; in this set up it is very traditional. The traditional chores that were particular distributed according to gender and this is clearly shown when men take most of their time to do heavy jobs associated with their masculinity nature and women take the chores that are associated with their feminine nature such as taking care of the children and food preparation. There is that kind of mutual agreement and respect that is shown amongst the family members where the child obeys the orders of the mother, the man and the woman show that close relationship of a wife and a husband. The use of gestures is widely used in the movie especially when

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