Sunday, October 6, 2019

Exam Habits Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exam Habits - Research Paper Example deed, both the parents and the teachers have a desire for students to perform well, however, they provide little guidance on determining the most appropriate learning techniques that would work to enhance educational outcomes (Barrass, 2002). Based on this perspective, this paper examines Exam habits are determined by the learning techniques that students engage. There are various principles that comprise the states of learning. First, an individual must be in the right state of mind. Knowledge is impacted when a particular individual makes an effort towards learning. An example of such an aspect involves the learner to have positive expectations towards the learning process (C.E., 1988). Secondly, is that there must be a variety of ways of input. Some individuals learn better by using numerous input methods. This involves aspects such as asking of questions during the learning process. In the different states of learning, there are four main stages of competence. The first stage is that of unconscious incompetence in which an individual is mot in a position to understand something while at the same time does not recognize the lack of such understanding. In learning, it is essential that one understands the need for understanding for effective learning. The second stage is that of conscious incompetence. This stage involves one individual who does not understand concept although such individuals know of the lack. This state of learning involves making mistakes, which is an integral part in effective learning as long as one is able to realize the mistake and make adjustments (C.E., 1988). Conscious competence involves the state of an individual having critical understanding of an issue. An important aspect at this stage is the need for concentration. Concentration is important in learning as it enhances better understanding of concepts. The last stage is unconscious competence, which involves the state of an individual having practiced a skill and therefore,

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