Monday, January 6, 2020

Dramatic Devices in Williams Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Essay

Dramatic Devices in Williams Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Williams instinctively understands the loneliness of a human being - his or her constant and desperate attempt that is to escape the reality that is there loneliness and their subsequent failure to do so. Williams portrays this loneliness to an audience through the spatial distances on stage between characters, which is suggested in the stage direction. Margaret is alone. It is also emphasised through symbolism and the dialogue between characters. Big Mama accuses Margaret of not satisfying Brick in bed and of Bricks break down. After this accusation, Margaret is alone, completely alone. By repeating this stage direction Williams is†¦show more content†¦It is also why she oscillates between convincing Brick of her sexuality and her obsession with children. Ive borne no children, Im childless, you cant have babies, they gloat over us being childless. This obsession makes her very insecure. When Big Mama starts questioning, Dyou make Brick happy in bed? She is observing tha t Maggies sexuality isnt enough, therefore this breaks Maggies crutch and leaves her completely alone and isolated. As a defence mechanism, Maggie creates another personality for herself, I am Maggie the cat! Williams uses this animal as it has many connotations. A cat has connotations of being a fighter and a survivor and also of being a solitary animal. Maggie has all of these qualities but at this point in the play she is especially showing that of a solitary animal. The dialogue also displays the isolation between the two characters. Maggie does a lot of talking, You know, our sex life didnt just peter out in the normal wayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the best lookin man in the crowd-followed me upstairs and tried to force his way in the powder room with me, followed me to the door and tried to force his way in! These lengthy speeches often have no particular or relevant point but are just to fill the silence. Bricks dialogue mainly consists of short,Show MoreRelatedOthello, By William Shakespeare1923 Words   |  8 Pagesdifferent ways and interpret things differently as well. In the 3 texts dissatisfaction or complication is shown. Firstly in Othello love is presented as ephemeral and transient while atonement love is presented as unrequited and finally in cat on a hot tin roof love is presented as painful and troublesome due to unreciprocated feelings. The tragic plot of Othello hinges on the potential of the villain, Iago, to deceive other characters, above all Roderigo and Othello, through encouraging them toRead MoreEssay about Summary of History of Graphic Design by Meggs14945 Words   |  60 Pagesexception of Celtic pattern-making, book design and illumination had sunk to a low in most of Europe. - Many people feared that the year 1000 AD would be the end of the world. - On New Years Ever, 999 AD, many people stripped naked, and lay on their roofs waiting for final judgment. - By 1150 AD, Bibles were becoming massively produced. - During the 1200’s, the rise of universities created an expanding market for books. - The Book of Revelation had a surge of unexplained popularity in England andRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 Pagesthrough trial and error, Henry Ford’s talented team of production managers pioneered the development of the moving conveyor belt and thus changed manufacturing practices forever. Although the technical aspects of the move to mass production were a dramatic ï ¬ nancial success for Ford and for the millions of Americans who could now afford cars, for the workers who actually produced the cars many human and social problems resulted. With simpliï ¬ cation of the work process, workers grew to hate the monotony

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