Sunday, December 29, 2019

Characterization In Hills Like White Elephants, By Ernest...

f an extended period of time has passed, and a single word has not been written- written, not scrawled lazily or typed in haste, but when words pass through the heart and into the brain, carefully pumped out of a bleeding vein onto whatever medium that is being used, the writer grows frenzied. Her dreams become ravenous, and her dominant hand aches to be used properly. Soon, every passing moment is an anxious one, and the only antidote to her ordeal is to write. And yet, as much as the writer loves to write, writing also stands across from her in what seems like an uncrossable chasm-her undefeatable enemy. So the writer enrolls herself in an English class, and learns to conquer writing through characterization, imagery, and metaphors. In†¦show more content†¦For example, Williams begins the poem with so much depends/upon (557) Immediately after this, is the line a red wheel/barrow (557) The writer ponders, why did Williams make the wheelbarrow red? She then realizes that in literature, red is typically associated with power and passion, and isn’t that exactly what Williams is saying? The a single wheelbarrow holds great power in a desolate farm? Through this bitterly short poem, the writer learns the power of imagery, even in its simplest form. The third weapon that the writer obtains is perhaps the most powerful one. Through metaphors, the writer learns that writing is stringing a series of words together, in the hopes of creating a work that holds a certain kind of meaning to it. Belatedly, she went back and realized how ladden every work she had read in her class was with metaphors, but it was only until she had read A Raisin in The Sun by Lorraine Hansberry, did she see just powerful they were. The play, A Raisin in The Sun boasted a plethora of metaphors, but a recurring one was Mama’s plant. Throughout the play, Mama is diligent in how she takes care of the plant, despite the less than ideal conditions it grows in. Despite this, both Mama and the plant persevere, and upon its blooming, Mama grows hopeful that she may be a good gardener. The plant is a metaphor for severalShow MoreRelatedHills Like White Elephants, By Ernest Hemingway1673 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Hills Like White Elephants,† by Ernest Hemingway: The Morality Within the Operation Ernest Hemingway created the iceberg theory, by which he expects the reader to know a great deal of information from the little he expresses in his work. This style is evident in his short story, â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants,† because the information the reader must obtain is hidden underneath the surface. This writing style often confuses the reader, but when the short story is read multiple times, the reader canRead MoreAbortion In Ernest Hemingways Hills Like White Elephants1237 Words   |  5 Pages The short story â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants,† by Ernest Hemingway, talk about a young couple and their relationship issue about abortion. Even though, the story happened in a short period of time, but it tells more than just a story. The woman named Jig, where the man only called as â€Å" a man† or â€Å" The American.† Although the relationship between them is complicated, but it is clearly that they are not married. However, they continued their relationship which came to result that Jig became pregnantRead MoreEssay about Hills Like White Elephants, by Ernest Hemingway552 Words   |  3 PagesHills Like White Elephants The Latin saying, mutatis mutandi, translates into everything affects everything else, and this especially applies to the characterization used in Ernest Hemingway’s Hills Like White Elephants. Through close examination, it is evident that the character of Jig is revealed not only through her own actions, but also through the contrasting descriptions of her surrounding environment and her subtle mannerisms. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Leadership Of Servant Leadership - 854 Words

Unit 2 Journal The second unit ‘Leading by Serving’ discussed the topic of servant leadership. Through examples of people from past and present we learned who servant leaders are and what their qualities and characteristics are. We also learned about the importance of servant leaders in other people’s lives and that being a servant leader is a decision and has nothing to do with our position. In my life there has always been a group of people who I admired for having something what I described to myself as an â€Å"inner light,† a special quality when it came to relationships with others. This unit showed me the secret was often the servant leadership role they play or played in their lives. I realized putting other peoples needs before mine is not only what I’ve been thought to do through my life, but what should be a priority for me both in my personal life and in my dream of becoming a successful manager/leader. â€Å"The great leader is seen as servant first, and that simple fact is the key to his greatness,† says Robert K. Greenleaf in an essay â€Å"The Servant as Leader† in which he explains and defines servant leadership (Phi Theta Kappa 75). Greenleaf talks about many qualities important for servant leaders: inter alia, the servant leader is the one who takes the responsibility for both success and failure, he has the vision, he listens and understands his followers, â€Å"he always accepts and empathizes, never rejects† and he knows about the love needed for a growth of a healthyShow MoreRelatedServant Leadership1076 Words   |  5 PagesQuestion 1. What are the characteristics of servant leadership as propagated by Greenleaf (1970)? Give examples of servant leaders that you may know. 1. Listening – A critical communication tool, necessary for accurate communication and for actively demonstrating respect for others. According to Greenleaf, â€Å"Only a true natural servant automatically responds to any problem by listening first† (1970). 2. Empathy – The ability to mentally project one’s own consciousness into that of another individualRead MoreServant Leadership : The Servant848 Words   |  4 PagesServant Leadership Paper: (5%) After reading the book â€Å"The Servant† complete a 2-3 page paper on how: 1. How Servant Leadership applies to Nursing 2. How would you use Servant Leadership in your nursing practice 3. How does Servant Leadership apply to a nursing theorist you are familiar with Servant Leadership describes its leaders as those who are able to achieve results for their organization simple by serving the individual team members first and making sure their needs a priority. In thisRead MoreServant Leadership3135 Words   |  13 PagesServant leadership is a vital element in the most successful companies in the United States. The concept of servant leadership has been around for a long time and for good reason. It’s a solid concept whose potential is finally being realized. The following pages will examine the benefits of servant leadership and what it is. Its role in the workplace will be examined and why it plays a crucial function in the success of any organization. Before it can be determined whether servant leadership isRead MoreServant Leadership3894 Words   |  16 PagesRunning Head: SERVANT LEADERSHIP Servant Leadership BUSI 502 – Servant Leadership Professor Kahlib Fischer Rachel Murray Liberty University October 9, 2010 Abstract In the process of interviewing a servant leader, this paper investigates the defining behavior of servant leadership from a practical and philosophical standpoint. There are practical behavioral characteristics that can be uniformly integratedRead MoreServant Leadership2299 Words   |  10 PagesServant Leadership Paul Jones Grand Canyon University MGT 420 – Org. Behavior Management October 17, 2011 Introduction Although the notion of servant leadership has been recognized in leadership literature since Burns (1978) and Greenleafs (1977) publications, the movement has gained momentum only recently. Bowman (1997) argues that to date there is only anecdotal evidence to support a commitment to an understanding of servant leadership. For example, Spears (1995) identificationRead MoreServant Leadership As A Servant Leader778 Words   |  4 Pagesformer ATT executive, coined the term servant leadership. Slightly more than three decades later, the concept of servant leadership is increasingly viewed as an ideal leadership form in which organizations are aspiring to achieve. Many people think of servant and leader as being opposite roles, when in fact they can coexist, and more and more executives are looking toward this new way of leading. Following is a list of qualities that are necessary in being a servant leader. 1) Humility †¢ Humility canRead MoreThe Leadership Theory Of Servant Leadership1555 Words   |  7 PagesServant leadership is a leadership theory that originated from the works of Robert Greenleaf in the early 1970s (Northouse, 2016). According to the Robert K. Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership (2016), Greenleaf was not the first person to create the idea of serving others through leadership, but he does hold the responsibility of coining the term, and applying it to the modern world. This modernized theory focuses on the leader serving the follower, in a way that gives empowerment and satisfactionRead MoreServant Leadership As A Servant Leader1620 Words   |  7 PagesServant Leadership As written in the lines above, employee engagement has a significant impact on an employee and their engagement. Although there has been many articles and research written about leadership and servant leadership, in this study, it will provide and overview, key traits and influences that servant leaders use in collaboration to address significant problems with strategy and other individuals. Therefore, how do managers and leaders facilitate the engagement of their employeesRead MoreServant Leadership : A Servant Leader981 Words   |  4 PagesHistorically, servant leadership has been one of the most applicable theory used to describe a person s or an organization act of service. In which most can state it brought about improving the quality of people s lives. Highly respected servant leaders that people honored and admired such as Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther King, Jr., has earned their glorious name as a faithful servant leader because they removed obstacles from peop le s path by bringing about social changes (NahavandiRead MoreServant Leadership : The Servant Leader902 Words   |  4 PagesServant Leadership The Servant is a motivating, influential, empowering, and informative book. Just from the title, it seems so simple; a servant leader is someone in a leadership position that serves other. Yes, this is one small part of what servant leadership stands for, but there are many more components that shape a servant leader. Hunter (2012) states â€Å"Anyone wanting to be a leader must first be a servant. If you want to lead you must serve (p.71).† Being a leader is defined as positively

Friday, December 13, 2019

Robespierre Execution Research Free Essays

Question: What are the reasons for the execution of Maximilien Robespierre? Works Cited Hampson, Norman. The Life and Opinions of Maximilien Robespierre. N. We will write a custom essay sample on Robespierre Execution Research or any similar topic only for you Order Now p. : Duckworth, 1974. Print. In the Suggestions for Further Reading section of A Short History of the French Revolution by Jeremy Popkin, he recommends this book for further reading on Revolutionary Politics. This would be a good secondary source to look into. Sections of this book can be found on JSTOR. Jordan, David P. The Revolutionary Career of Maximilien Robespierre. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1989. Print. In the Suggestions for Further Reading section of A Short History of the French Revolution by Jeremy Popkin, he recommends this book for further reading on Revolutionary Politics. Online, I see that this book has an entire chapter dedicated to Thermidor. This book is a good secondary source to use. Sections of this book can be found on JSTOR. A complete eBook can be found on Google Books. Proyart, Lievin-Bonaventure. La Vie et les Crimes de Maximilien Robespierre. Augsburg, 1795. Print. In the Works Cited section of The Revolutionary Career of Maximilien Robespierre, David P. Jordan cites this book, which was written a year after the execution of Robespierre. This is a good secondary source to look at. ?Robespierre, Maximilien,  Discours prononce par Robespierre, a la Convention Nationale, dans la seance du 8 thermidor de l’an 2 de la Republique une et indivisible ; trouve parmi ses papiers par la Commission chargee de les examiner. N. p. : Knowsley Pamphlet Collection, 1794. In the chapter on Thermidor in  The Revolutionary Career of Maximilien Robespierre. David P. Jordan cites this speech and talks about its impact on his execution. This would make a good primary source to look at. How to cite Robespierre Execution Research, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Health Promotion in New Zealand

Question: Discuss about theHealth Promotion in New Zealand. Answer: Introduction The assignment is a discussion on health promotion programme in New Zealand. It will evaluate the health issue that the programme is covering and describe risk factors for the disease or health condition. It will focus on the health inequality related to the disease in New Zealand and highlight the determinant of inequality. It will give a brief idea on the fundamental principles of Treaty of Waitangi. The report will also describe how the health promotion programme can reduce inequality and how it will benefit the community. Campaign Programme and Health Issue Addressed by it The campaign selected for this report is SunSmart for skin cancer prevention. It will address the issue of high rate of melanoma cancer in New Zealand. It is the most common cancer diagnosed in New Zealand with about 67,000 cases reported every year. The purpose of the campaign is to reduce the incidence and impact of skin cancer in New Zealand. The Health Promotion Agency in New Zealand have taken the initiative to prevent skin cancer and promotion of sun safety under the SunSmart campaign ("Skin cancer prevention | HPA - Health promotion agency", 2016). People with family history of skin cancer, history of tanning, light skins color, sensitive skin, etc. are at more risk of skin cancers. Change in diet can benefit the individual who is at more risk of skin cancer. A vegetarian diet with fruits, fresh herbs, olive oil, and fish minimizes the risk of melanoma. The antioxidants in diet protect against cellular damage by exposure to sun's UV rays. Several medical and surgical treatments like excision biopsy, mohs surgery, lymph node surgery, skin grafting and reconstructive surgery, curettage and electrodessication, etc are beneficial for patients, but they also have risk involved in it. Adverse complications of skin surgery include excessive bleeding, blood clotting abnormalities, bacterial wound infection, surgical injury to nerves and salivary glands, etc. Some medications like Vismodegib, sonidegib, etc have a risk of birth defect in pregnant women, and certain therapies may lead to redness, pain, and swelling (Song et al., 2013). Type of Health Inequality in New Zealand and Reason for it In New Zealand, health inequalities exist among socioeconomic groups, ethnic groups living in different geographic areas, males, and females. Indigenous people living in New Zealand are victims of health inequalities because of low socio-economic position. They are more exposed to risk factors and have a lack of access to proper health services. Poverty is the primary cause of ill-health among them. The health status of Maoris has deteriorated a lot because of this. Pacific people have poorer health than Pakeha. Gender and geographical inequalities also exist in New Zealand. The difference in the health status of the indigenous group has occurred because of inequality in income, employment, and housing. Significant impact on health status and mortality occurs because of differential access to health care services and the manner in which care is delivered to these groups (Devaux, 2015). This state has been maintained or created due to institutional racism among the Maoris and because of the effect of colonization and land confiscations. They have been forced to live their permanent dwellings and move to new area. This had eroded their economic stability and reduced their influence in the new settlement. Therefore, racism is the reason for less favorable access to health care, social and economic condition. It has also lead to psychosocial stress (Harris et al., 2012). Advantaged Group The most advantaged group in New Zealand according to health inequality are the indigenous groups like Maoris and the Pacific people. The health outcome for Maori and Pacific people is worse than non-indigenous groups of New Zealand even after controlling deprivation. Their life expectancy at birth is also lesser than non-indigenous population. Evidence have also shown that these people live in socially disadvantaged areas which make them unhealthy. Geographical differences in health occur because district with lower income group showed a higher rate of premature mortality and hospitalizations (Bcares et al., 2013). Determinants of Health Inequality Determinants of health inequalities include gender and culture of particular geographical locations, living and working conditions, socioeconomic and environmental conditions, social and community influences, individual lifestyle factors, age, sex and hereditary factors. People have no control over age, sex and hereditary factors, but other factors are under their control. Lifestyle factors like level of exercise, diet, smoking habits have impact on health. Social and community influence is also a major factor for health inequality which is evident from the poor political influence of Maoris. Indigenous groups had a low standard of living due to poverty which also leads to inequality of health. Ethnicity and gender are also a determinant as women, Maoris and Pacific people are not equal salary. Socioeconomic factors also have impact on access to proper health services (Prg et al., 2014). Treaty of Waitangi The primary purpose of New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 is to provide public funding for public health, personal health, and disability support services and establish new public health organisation to promote better health for New Zealanders. It has implemented the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840 which seeks to improve the health outcome of Maoris. It is an agreement which guaranteed the protection of Maori interest, and it was signed by British Crown and Maori chief. It deals with the methods that will ensure that the Maoris also contribute to decision making, and they also take part in the delivery of health services (Johnston, 2013). The principles of the Treaty of Waitangi looked after the cultural aspects norms and values of surrounding women health among an ethnic group of New Zealand. It promoted inclusion and participation in society and giving the best support to needy persons. Its objective was to reduce health disparities associated with health outcome of Maoris. Women's health is not given priority in ethnic groups. The treaty objective was to remove these norms by proper dissemination of information to deliver timely health services for the protection of disadvantaged groups. The principle of equality addressed the issue (Mokuau Mataira, 2016). Effect of Intervention of Health Inequality The intervention will reduce inequality and create better health opportunities for New Zealanders. Successfully meeting the objectives of the Treaty of Waitangi will lead to a fairer society where everyone will have a sense of belonging and everyones need would be addressed. It will not just improve the health status of indigenous population but will promote the well-being of the whole population of New Zealand. It will also lead to a stronger economy as better health contributes to richer social and economic life (Drummond et al., 2015). The methods to reduce inequalities include: Setting framework and principles at national, geographic and local levels by service providers, policy makers, and community groups. Addressing social, economic, cultural and historical barriers in society. Planning intervention at the structural level to tackle the cause of health inequality. Undertaking specific action for implementing health services in socially disadvantaged areas. Targeting psychosocial and behavioral factors of individual to change social norms in society. Minimising impact of disability among ethnic groups of New Zealand like Maoris and the Pacific people (O'Mara-Eves et al., 2013). To know whether inequalities has been reduced or not, The Ministry of Health can conduct a regular census of population to get information about health outcomes (such as morbidity, mortality), risk factors in health and level of service utilization such as prevention, treatment and rehabilitation methods. A periodical collection of these data will help in estimating whether inequalities have been reduced or not. Group Who will Benefit the most The indigenous population of New Zealand like Maoris, the Pacific, Pakeha and the Asian people will benefit the most from campaigns trying to reduce health inequality. This is because they suffer from maximum health inequality due to lack of access to health service and poor economic conditions. The SunSmart Campaign for skin cancer prevention will help in reducing impact of skin cancer by primary intervention, early detection and diagnosis, rehabilitative support and care, increasing research evaluation and surveillance. Their focus is on reducing exposure to ultraviolet radiation which is the major risk factor for skin cancer. They wanted to change individual behavior so that people are protected from excessive UV exposure and stays in effective sun safe setting. This program will help such population by bringing health service closer to their home. Through various programs, it will also educate the people about the importance of good health and remove social taboos existing in an ethnic population (Jones et al., 2014). Unintended Consequence The unintended consequences might be that it will change the pattern and approach of seeking health care services. Better health service will mean better prosperity and better economic status of the community. The knowledge and attitude of people towards illness will change. It might also be possible that despite several programs, health disparities may increase further because people might still not gain access to health care service. There might also be additional cost involved in implementing guideline rather than what was expected in the beginning. Performance and health improvement measurement might be difficult. Conclusion From the whole report, we get information about the role of health promotional campaign in addressing health issues in New Zealand. It highlighted the health inequality in the region and the population mostly affected by it. Through the Treaty of Waitangi, it explained what could be done to reduce health inequality and how the society will benefit from it. Reference Bcares, L., Cormack, D., Harris, R. (2013). Ethnic density and area deprivation: Neighbourhood effects on MÄ ori health and racial discrimination in Aotearoa/New Zealand.Social Science Medicine,88, 76-82. Devaux, M. (2015). Income-related inequalities and inequities in health care services utilisation in 18 selected OECD countries.The European Journal of Health Economics,16(1), 21-33. Drummond, M. F., Sculpher, M. J., Claxton, K., Stoddart, G. L., Torrance, G. W. (2015).Methods for the economic evaluation of health care programmes. Oxford university press. Harris, R., Cormack, D., Tobias, M., Yeh, L. C., Talamaivao, N., Minster, J., Timutimu, R. (2012). The pervasive effects of racism: experiences of racial discrimination in New Zealand over time and associations with multiple health domains.Social science medicine,74(3), 408-415. Johnston, K. (2013). Treaty of Waitangi.NZ Law Review,2013, 159-689. Jones, R., Bennett, H., Keating, G., Blaiklock, A. (2014). Climate change and the right to health for MÄ ori in Aotearoa/New Zealand.Health and Human Rights Journal,16, 54-68. Mokuau, N., Mataira, P. J. (2016). From Trauma to Triumph: Perspectives for Native Hawaiian and MÄ ori Peoples.Decolonizing Social Work, 145. O'Mara-Eves, A., Brunton, G., McDaid, G., Oliver, S., Kavanagh, J., Jamal, F., ... Thomas, J. (2013). Community engagement to reduce inequalities in health: a systematic review, meta-analysis and economic analysis.Public Health Research,1(4). Prg, P., Mills, M., Wittek, R. (2014). Income and income inequality as social determinants of health: do social comparisons play a role?.European sociological review,30(2), 218-229. Skin cancer prevention | HPA - Health promotion agency. (2016) Retrieved 22 July 2016, from Song, F., Qureshi, A. A., Giovannucci, E. L., Fuchs, C. S., Chen, W. Y., Stampfer, M. J., Han, J. (2013). Risk of a second primary cancer after non-melanoma skin cancer in white men and women: a prospective cohort study.PLoS Med,10(4), e1001433.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Review on the article Envy at work, Tanya Menon and Leigh Thompson

Introduction In the article ‘Envy at work,’ Tanya Menon and Leigh Thompson asserted that, â€Å"Envy in the place of work can contribute immensely to the down fall of any organization.† In most cases, the end result turns out to be damaging to the envied and the envier.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Review on the article ‘Envy at work,’ Tanya Menon and Leigh Thompson specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In line with this, the authors argue that envy can be difficult to manage especially when the envier is in a state of denial. Self-denial tends to be common due to the unsocial nature of envy and the way it manifests itself when left untamed. Furthermore, in the article, the authors talk about envy in the workplace and suggested various ways in which it can to be prevented or avoided (2). Manifestation of envy To give a perfect example of how envy could be the source of strained rela tionship between friends or colleagues, two coworkers namely Scott and Marty used to be team mates in a consulting firm. They both had a perfect performance record and regarded it as the core personalities of the team. In as much as both were competitive, they had different personalities, Marty was more of a performer, but Scott was more of a social person who had his networking skills well cut out. Scott gained more recognition and attention as compared to Marty due to his social traits. Marty on the other hand got less attention and he brushed aside Scott’s qualities and claimed that people will only recognize who is superior regardless of character (Menon Thompson 3). Scott later earned a promotion at the work place and this irritated Marty and made him envious of Scott. In the end, due to envy Marty almost sabotaged Scott’s presentation. Instead of Scott losing his job, Marty is sent packing and he lost his job. This clearly indicates how the envy of one colleague towards another can cause one to stop focusing on his achievements and instead struggle to sabotage other person’s positions. In the end this only succeeds in damaging the envier s reputation and respect (Menon Thompson 3).Advertising Looking for essay on business communication? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Tanya Menon and Leigh Thompson further pinpointed that most managers prefer getting ideas from their counter parts in different organizations as opposed to getting ideas from internal colleagues. This idea has resulted in companies having to spend more on time and money hiring consultants yet the organization consists of people who can execute the job in a similar way or even better. The issue of inside rivalry tends to damage an organization in terms of losing its key people to other organizations where their ideas are more appreciated (4). Managing Envy The authors in their article suggested ways in which envy can be tamed and managed in a manner that does not damage an organizations growth. The first step is identifying things that make an individual envious of others. Also, asking things that make an individual feel insecure. They suggest focusing on one’s progress rather than concentrating on other coworkers or individuals development. That way one is able to gauge personal progress and avoid envious feelings from coming up every time a colleague progresses. Another important aspect involves acknowledging ones strengths since everyone has something that he or she is good at (Menon Thompson 5). In order to manage envy in a team, the authors suggested simple techniques such as the sharing of glory. Whenever a team performs well, the managers need to congratulate all team members and also promote some members. This will play a huge role in creating a good relationship and nurturing future leaders. Another important strategy includes making what appears scarce to be in abundance. This will reduce competition for resources and consequently curtail levels of envy among colleagues. The organization should also give workmates who appear as envious of one another, different levels of influence so that they would not have to brush shoulders trying to outdo one another. By so doing, they will be gauged based on different metrics. The authors warned managers to avoid selective praises whereby they consistently give praise and attention to selected few and ignoring other team members who obviously contribute to the team’s success in one way or the other. Collaborative ideas and innovations ought to be encouraged in organizations in order to encourage sharing of ideas among members of an organization and learning from one another.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Review on the article ‘Envy at work,’ Tanya Menon and Leigh Thompson specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion The authors state that envy comes naturally and automatically, but can be controlled or managed and harnessed to improve an individual’s performance and also the performance of team members (Menon Thompson 6). Lastly, the authors asserted that â€Å"by meditating on vulnerable moments and exercising new habits, one can change an improper and harmful emotion into a means of improving both performance and dealing with coworkers.† Comments From this text, I personally would discourage envy to come in between an organizations progress because in most cases, it ends up creating enmity among colleagues and eventually they end up devising ways of sabotaging their coworkers. The sole looser becomes the organization because as a result, it loses its bests managers and workers to other organizations. Works Cited Menon, Tanya, and Thompson Leigh. â€Å"Envy at work.† Harvard Business Review. April 2010: 1-6. Print. This essay on Review on the article ‘Envy at work,’ Tanya Menon and Leigh Thompson was written and submitted by user Isabela Blackwell to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Love and Family essay

Love and Family essay Love and Family essay Love and Family essayThis book discusses the issue of family love, placing emphasis on the commitment between family members. The author’s main characters are two women and their three children. This book provides an example of the significance of love and trust in family relationships. This source of information can be used in the further research to assess the connection between love and family attitudes.   This source is reliable as many facts are taken from real life situations.This article explores family relations, providing the study of the key differences in love styles among four family life stage groups. The researchers use the Love Attitude Scale to identify differences that exist in family relations between the non-married and married groups. The researchers discuss the love attitudes and family relationship satisfaction at various life stages. This source is reliable and can be used in the further research. This source is a scholarly article that provides much i mportant facts on the issue of love and family relations.In this book, the author tells a story of a young boy’s journey into manhood. Special attention is paid to family relations and the role of family in the life of an individual. The tale of the main character Kikuyu is frustrating, but it demonstrates the significance of human values, family unity and mutual understanding. This source is reliable as the author uses true facts that reflect the identity of African people. The source is objective as the information is supported by historical evidence. The facts are well-documented. The author is a Kenyan writer, who is well-educated to write on this topic. This book can be used in my research as it provides much information on the topic â€Å"Love and Family†.This article explores the important role of father love. The authors assess cultural construction of fatherhood and the effects this construction may have as a motivator for understudying father love. The resear ch is based on demonstration of the powerful impact of father love on children’s development. Special attention is paid to social, emotional, and cognitive development of children and young adults. This scholarly article is reliable and can be used in the further research. The major facts are well-documented. The authors are psychologists and provide much important information of the topic, based on psychological analysis.This book discusses the relationships between parents and their children. The author of the book refers to the Fourth Commandment of God which says, â€Å"Honor thy father and thy mother.†   The author places emphasis on the role of religion in family relations and helps to better understand the nature of love that exists between parents and their children. Religion helps to keep family members together, educate children and prepare them for adulthood. This source of information is reliable and can be used in the further research. The author is qual ified to write on the topic of the role of love in the family. This book is a helpful source as it is focused on the analysis of the required issue.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Same Sex Couples Raising Children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Same Sex Couples Raising Children - Essay Example As the essay highlights the issues related to same-sex couple are included in the most controversial and current concerns in the society in the past few years.   From the issues of acceptance of the same-sex couples to the laws related to marriage, every subject matter had been greatly discussed and sensationalized.   To be able to achieve a certain level of awareness on the different dynamics in the social context, the paper is aimed to present the views of various forms of media on one of the important issues related to same-sex relationships, which is the manner they raise children and the processes related in terms of legal, social, ethical and cultural aspects.This research declares that the issues related to same-sex couples are included in the main concerns in the society.   Raising children for same-sex couples is the main focus of the study because one phase considered by these couples in establishing a family is having children and eventually raising and supporting th em.  There are different aspects of the issue on raising children by same-sex couples.   One of the important aspects is adoption of the child for the same-sex couples specifically the gay couples.   Different countries implement different laws regarding the process.   In 2000, the states of Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi and Utah prohibited adoption of children to gay parents.   On the other hand, countries in Europe such as Denmark, Norway and Iceland had been legally open to adoption of children to same-sex couples.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

External and Internal Environmental Analysis For Barnes and Noble Term Paper

External and Internal Environmental Analysis For Barnes and Noble - Term Paper Example Barnes & Noble Inc. regarded as a fortune 500 company is one of the largest book retailers created form the basic ideas of Charles M. Barnes; who started the business with a small printing establishment in Illinois in 1873. The company merchandised in textbooks and scholarly books and became famous in the whole Manhattan and New York, but with the increase in fame, came the need to meet the high demand. This prompted Leonard Riggio, one of Barnes & Noble competitors into buying the company in 1971 and later transforming it into the world largest bookstore; the famous name it earned until to date (Morgan, 2010). Having attained the highest success rate Riggio decided to expand it again through incorporation of a broader selection of commodities, which has seen the Barnes & Noble Company’s expansion all over the United States with accomplishments in the internet e-book services, shipping and mailing systems. The company has recorded remarkable sales turnovers, but they still fai l in the area of conforming to the environmental impacts of the market. Therefore as part of sourcing out a long-lasting solution and defining the future of the company, the management has to carry out an external and internal environmental analysis for the company (Barnes & Noble, 1997). The success of this analysis relates directly to the strategic plan that the company formulates and puts into practice; which forms the basis of this paper that seeks to plot out a workable strategic plan for Barnes & Noble Inc.... The company has the best locations characterized by their excellent choice of location, for example, in cafes like the Starbucks. Through the high success turnover rate, they enjoy the capability of having enough capital for expansion. They have a wide clientele base emanating from the extra program such as the children book club and the publishing programs Since the company bases its work on creativity, they attract the biggest clientele number of Americans who value art. The technological advancement and the increased need for a computer literate generation boost the numbers of clients that utilize the company’s eBook service benefiting company in return. Strong team to lead and manage the company. Growth of the online product. Added equity when it comes to the brands. Stable financial position. Weaknesses: They have the highest internal operating costs due to the many locations they have opened their stores. Sluggish in keeping up with the divergent change in issues and tre nds. The company lacks proper preparedness when it comes to dealing with change and competition. Diseconomies of scale. Over estimated economies of scale. Weak chain of managers. Threats: The competition from other online libraries and online businesses such as the Amazon. The economy that continues to slow down. External changes such as the politics, the government and taxes. Existence of cheap but effective technology.. Competitors who offer low-cost products The rampant growing product substitution such as the eBooks. Fluctuations in exchange rates. Competition. Conflicts relating to the varied competitor prices. Opportunities: A rich marketplace because of their a unique business strategy of penetrating the most profitable markets; selling scholarly books, movies, textbooks, coffee,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Discount Pricing - Prices in a slow economy Article

Discount Pricing - Prices in a slow economy - Article Example A survey conducted from Henry H. Harteveldt represented that companies are trying to cut down on their business travelling budget and are very strictly and cautiously making decisions regarding air travel for business (MOUAWAD, 2012). This article relates to the course because the course is about pricing decision making, in pricing decision making the companies such as the airline companies have to decide whether or not to increase prices and what activities can be done in order to attract more customers. This decision can not be made by the companies until and unless they take the decision making of the travelers and consumers in their analysis. Their analysis will show that the consumers do not have confidence in the economy and they are spending money very cautiously, they are trying to save every penny in order to ensure profits and to remain safe from going out of business. MOUAWAD, JAD. "Business Travel Is Rising, but Not Necessarily the Travel Budget -" The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Oct. 2012.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Airline Reservation System

Airline Reservation System Introduction Overview The Project aim to design and implement a working model of an Airline Reservation System. The project will be built and tested on an Oracle database and uses JAVA as the programming language. JDBC will be use as the interface between the database and JAVA. The primary goal of this project is to help passengers make flight reservation. The system will be able to find all the flights available fulfilling a passenger’s needs and able to search all flights with a given origin and destination. The system will displayed the arrival and departure times, the flight number and passenger will decide flight reservation based on the displayed information The secondary goal is to provide a means for the airline operators to manager the flights. The operator will be able to put up lists of passengers with over-weight bags for Business and Economy class passengers External Interface Requirements User Interfaces: The Web will be used as an interface with the users Hardware Interfaces No special hardware is required for this product Software Interfaces: Java JDBC Apache Tomcat servlets Oracle 8I SQL server USE CASE Model A user may obtain available seating information for flight between specified locations, for a given date. A user may make a reservation for any available seat(s). A user may cancel an existing reservation. A user may than purchase the ticket. The system functionality is described in more detail using UML Static Model In the model the concept of reservation has been simplified by requiring that all reservations be part of a group reservation, even if a group reservation is for a group of just one. Figure 2. Normalized Information model of a flight seat reservation system annotated to convey meaning easily Figure 3. Formalised dependency derived from figure 2. The X denotes inconsistent dependencies. and 1 the terminal object. This figure represents both theory and model. Figure 4. modifies figure 3 by leaving out the detail of the terminal object. It adds in objects to support flights with multiple segments. A basic flight segment (flight_seg) is a leg of a flight that is the component of the flight between adjacent airports of the flight path. The flight_seg* object is an expression of all contiguous flight path combinations of flight segments, including basic flight segments and segments that include other segments. A static model of information is given in figure 2. The dependencies in this model are re-oriented in figure 3 to show the dependencies more clearly. The dependencies to airport are inconsistent because airport is playing two roles (departure airport and arrival airport). The terminal object is specified by the property that every object must have a unique arrow to it. The terminal object can be interpreted as representing global properties of the system such as the airline company that has the reservation system. Business Option Why ARS is Needed With Airline Reservation System implemented, the airlines may be subjected to many benefits, the benefits are as listed below: Increase in Sales of Tickets With Airline Reservation System, I can track our passengers purchasing preferences and with this I can promote special flight packages to our existing passengers. Passengers’ reservations patterns can also be used to determine the marketable flight and then try to provide more flights and services to fulfill the high demand. Besides, ARS is also capable in increasing passenger loyalty and satisfaction by providing good reservation and services. Reduce in Time and Cost Traditional paper reservation records have many drawbacks: they can be incomplete, torn, worn, misplaced, or lost. They also require a lot of storage space in addition to requiring extensive administrative time from user. With the implementation of ARS, it will prevent data lost with back-up function and decrease in cost and time. It can increase the speed of searching, processing and making reservation. Thus, it gives satisfactory to passengers. From the data stored in the system, it is capable to generate daily/monthly sales report automatically. Users do not have to waste their time to generate the report manually. More Organized Information Flight ticket reservation method has better organization of information for better retrieval with ARS. All other relevant data can be managed and well-organized using the system. Data will be stored in the database accordingly. Thus, user can make a clear view on any data as they wish without any problem. Technical Option Below are the list of features the system should or most have:- Add/Delete Airline Manager Information Add/ Delete Ticketing Staff Information Add/ Delete Flight Information Add/Delete Passenger Information Make Reservation View/Query/Cancel Reservation View/Query on Flight Information View/Query on Passenger Information View/Query on Airline Manager Information View/Query on Ticketing Staff Information Report on Flight, Passenger, Airline Manager and Ticketing Staff Existing Systems I have managed to do a research on the existing automated ARS used in Malaysia Airlines. The airlines reservation system used in Malaysia Airlines is known as KOMMAS. KOMMAS is a DOS-base system that use by MAS for ticket reservation. This system has 25 years history. It had been upgrade for 4 times in these 25 years to add more features in it. Now, they still are using this system to do reservation for customers. All brunch of MAS in overseas are using the same system to do reservation too. The system can check on the departure time and day to specific place. Not only flights that offer by MAS but also flights offered by other airline systems in Malaysia and overseas. For reservation, the reservation person will key in the record and book the tickets. Once booked, the system will check whether the flights or seats is confirm. This system has link to the capacity of the aircraft. For example, this system tells the number of seats occupied and empty seats for each class. If the seats had full, a note will pop up say that seats are full and confirm can not be made. By this function, the reservation person can tells the more accurately about which seats are available to customers. The reservation person will then confirm with customers. Once confirm, the customers will go to the ticketing counter to take the ticket and pay the money. The reservation person will key in the reference number to the system. The information of customers will pop up if he had made the reservation. The deadline for customers to take the tickets is 2 weeks before departure time. If the customers didn’t take the ticket and pay the money before these two weeks, the system will automatically erase the reservation. This is to enable others to do reservation. There is no deposit required in this process. For customers that want to change their flights departure time or date, the reservation person just need to key in the customer’s reference number and change the details. Customers also can cancel the flights if they couldn’t make it. The information of customers will keep by the system for 6 months. After 6 months, the system will automatically delete the passenger information. This system also allows customers to make some special requirement. For example, some people may have elegy to certain food, the reservation person will key in this special requirement for food into the system, so that special meal will be provided to this person. Customers also can choose seat that they prefer. In the other words, this system is customers friendly. Booking is done by reservation department. But ticketing department also can access it and make reservation for customers. Ticketing and reservation department are link to each other, they can access the same database. KOMMAS have a specific code for the user of this system. For persons who make reservation and ticketing, they have the highest accessibility to use the system. For managing level, they just can access the system and check the report of flights and customer’s reservation information. For administration level of this system, they can customize the flights and departure time. System down was happened before. When the system is down, all the ticketing reservation will do manually. The system also has backup the information of all flights and customers’ information. This is to prevent the damage of database due to virus or physical damage. So, there is no reason that they will lose their data. However, this system has its weaknesses. It can not generate report according to the requirement of user. Also, this system has no basic intelligent. User will only get the report after one or two weeks. Due to this system is DOS base, the interface of this system may not attractive. Also, it is not user friendly enough for the user. User will need to memorize all the codes to make reservation, to view reports, to check on flight and etc. Information that shown out from the system is messy. For the beginner user of this system, they will face the difficulties to understand the information shown. For the security part, user do not have own password to get into the system. They get into the system just by using the access code that they had given. Project Plan Gantt Chart The first session of this project is to develop the system’s prototype and interim report. I have divided the first session of tasks into six different parts from Project initiation and planning until presentation. The first task is Project initiation and planning which start on 12 Oct. 2007. Due to the deadline’s I will be expected to spend not more than two weeks to complete the first task. Than the next task is to work on Literature Review in this task I will be researching existing reference for the system and project, I will try to make contact with if possible visit a Local Airline office. The Second session of this project will starts after the submission of interim report and prototype. I will start to prepare the final report; I have divided those tasks mainly on seven different parts from Review on preview project work until presentation. On Thu 06/12/07, I planned to start a very crucial task, which is Analysis and Design. First I will have a analyze the requirement for this project and then I starts to design Entity Relational Diagram and Data Flow Diagram. It will consume most of the time in this task followed by drawing context diagram. The Analysis and Design is expected to finish on Tue 25/12/07. The final task before presentation is development prototype and Report, a prototype will be developed and it will consume most of the time while finalizing report will be the minor part in this task. The first task that I need to do is review on preview project work, which start on Thu, 24/01/08 I will analyze what problem are to be solved and what improvement to be made and design a new project plan. The first task will be expected to spend eight days to complete. The next task will be to update plan and requirement. After completing the review session, I will have the final update for the plan and project requirement. This plan should meet requirement in development a successful database CASE tool. This is expected to take five days to complete. And than, System Design is next which is Database and Software Architecture. I will construct a database to the system for the purpose of enhancement; I will design on screen and repair the data model, which is expected to finish in eight days. The next task is Prototype Review of major modules in this task I will continue to work on the prototype which I have done during the interim report before staring the initial system coding, It is expected to finish Tue, 25/03/08 .After the implementation phase, I will go through the testing phase by constructing a Test Plan and Test Data. I will create an acceptance test and begin system debugging if problem occurs. And this is expected to finish Thu, 17/04/08 The following task is Final Report and Testing Evaluation. In this testing phase, I will continue on the final report, system testing and system evaluation. I will concentrate on the Final Report as well as System Completion towards the end of project development. I need to prepare a well-written and high-quality final report. The final task is the presentation of the project. A good preparation on this presentation phase will insure a good representation of the project. Project Milestones l In the milestones table, it’s mainly divided into four major phases, which the first phase completed by 1 November 2007 while the second phases are expected to be completed by 15 November 2007 including the review presentation. And the final phases will be sub-divided into six tasks and the completion date for each task is stated as the table below No. Tasks Milestone/Date Completed 1 Project Initiation and Planning Wed 24/10/07 2 Literature Review (Research) Wed 05/12/07 3 Analysis and Design Tue 25/12/07 4 Prototype and Report Wed 23/01/08 5. Review on Preview Project Work Mon 18/02/08 6. System Design ( Database Software Architechit) Fri 07/03/08 7. Prototype Review of major Modules Tue 25/03/08 8. Test Plan Test Data Thu 17/04/08 9. Final Draft Testing Evaluation Mon 05/05/08 10. Presentation Thu 15/05/08 Table 1.1: Project Milestones Reference Johnson, M.S.J., R. Rosebrugh and R.J. Wood, 1997. Entity relationship models and sketches, submitted to Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, July, 1997, 18pp.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Child Abuse and Neglect Essay -- Violence Against Children

The abuse of children is not new. It dates back to biblical times. During recent years, child abuse has had a rise in the public eye. According to the nationally known website, there are four types of child abuse: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect (Childabuse), each with its own unique set of characteristics, each affecting a child differently, and each noticeable, stoppable, and preventable. The first type of child abuse is physical abuse. stated that, this type of abuse should be stopped as soon as possible, for it could result in death. It involves any type of physical discipline that causes visible injuries or wounds on a child. Any abuse that results in a severe injury needing medical care that could be life threatening, cause mental or physical impairment or chronic pain classified as physical child abuse (Childabuse). The second type of child abuse is sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is defined as acts of sexual harassment and sexual exploitation of minors. Sexual abuse has a wide range of behavior and may consist of many acts over a long period of time or a single incident. The nature of the crime, the shame of the victim, and the involvement of loved ones may make it harder for children to come forward and report abuse. A statistic from written by author John Mersch said that sexual abuse is the least reported form of child abuse, accounting for only 10% of all cases (Mersch). Child pornography, child prostitution, or the exposure of a child to sexual acts or things showing sexual acts may also be included in sexual abuse. The third type of child abuse is emotional abuse. Mersch says that emotional abuse involves verbal assaults, ignoring, or constant ... ...e factors to ensure the well being of children. Parents can also help stop and prevent child abuse in the community just by something as simple as keeping an eye out for the children in the neighborhood. Child abuse affects children of all ages, races, and backgrounds. Any child can be victimized. And the victimizer can be anyone. Male, female, parent, friend, and sometimes even another child. The best thing for a person to do to help solve the problem of child abuse is to keep an open eye out for signs. The sooner the abuse of a child is stopped, the better chance that the child has of living a normal, healthy, and happy life. Works Cited Child Abuse: Prevention through Education and Awareness.† Child Abuse. 2014. Article Originals, Inc., Web. 27 Oct 2014. Pyrek, Kelly. Forensic Nursing. Boca Raton, FL: CRC PRESS, 2006331. Print.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Modern Ethical Theories

Philosophically Egoism theory purports that one’s self is or should be the motivation and reasons of our own actions.   This theory has two variations, descriptive or normative variation and altruism variation.   Altruism variation holds that one should maximize good for all being in the world (Hobbes, 1651).   Altruism is the opposite of egoism. Ethical egoism is a normative theory that revolves around the idea that each individual should do what is entirely in his or her self interests and by doing actions that aimed at self interest he or she achieves morality.   The theory states that one’s self interest is the primary motive of actions and is the moral thing to do. Hence the theory is a self effacing theory which tries to justify reasons for actions as duty bound or morally right. Psychological egoism theory on the other hand is a descriptive theory that describes human actions as wholly motivated by self interest it implies that individual’s actions are purely by self centered even though the actions may seem to be motivated by interest of others (More, G.E., 1903).   It states that, â€Å"all human actions are selfish acts at their roots†. Thus it asserts that if individual helps others, acts which may seem to be of benefit to others.   The primary motive may be the need for an individual to better him/herself thus making the act self-seeking.   It is impossible to empirically prove the psychological egoism theory wrong but it is just as hard to empirically prove the theory right.   In addition once the premise of the theory is accepted the actions can be interpreted to support the theory. Fallacy of Psychological Egoism Psychological egoism theory states that people are always motivated by their own interests.   This   however hastily   generalizes actions and their motivation   since there are instances we can disapprove this such as, when an individual smokes .this is an act that can be harmful to one’s wellbeing thus not act in   self interest, others such as soldiers carry out their duties without considering personal gains. There are also instances where motivations to act may appear to be of no self interest   at face value but   are nevertheless self interest motivated (Rachels, J., 2003).   For example if an individual is motivated to act out of fear or his acts are motivated by fear, he/she may be acting in the interest of self-preservation. On the other hand, these actions/reactions may be driven by the interest of the other individual or threats from this other individual thus his/her action may be classified as an action motivated for other’s interest.   In this case, the individual actions are what she/he is motivated to do, for instance run. The strong and weak versions of Ethical Egoism The ethical egoism can be split into two versions; the strong and the weak versions.   The strong version supports the endorsement of an individual’s own good as the moral thing to do.   Individual actions that are driven by self-interest or self fulfillment arise out of moral judgement while the weak version supports the premise that there are situations where it may be prudent to ignore personal welfare when making moral judgement (Rachels, J., 2003). For instance if a soldier lies on a grenade to save his friends he may act this way to be able to live with himself In other words if he acted otherwise he may live the rest of his life with a guilty conscience .However the strong version might interpret this action as the moral thing to do. Contrast in Motivation Doctrines of the two theories Psychological egoism theory is the empirical doctrine that an individual’s act is a desire for one’s own welfare (Sigmund, F., 1966).   However, these acts usually conceal the determining motives.   This concealment is usually in their self-interest.   The theory results from observation of human behaviour and can only be proved empirically if there are no exceptions.   It makes no claim to how individuals should act for their self-interest.   This premise can be argued to be verifiable but non-moral. On the other hand, the ethical egoism theory is prescriptive doctrine that individuals actions are in self-interest that is for personal welfare thus the personal welfare is the most valuable thing for an individual.   However, the theory does not claim that all individuals seek their own self interest.   It only claims that individuals should seek their own self-interest that is all individual might not seek self-interest (Sigmund, F., 1966).   For the ethical egoism theory to hold or to be proven as a theory its premises must hold for all individuals. Differences between ethical egoism and psychological egoism Psychological egoism is descriptive while the ethical egoism theory is prescriptive, that is, the psychological theory states why individuals act the way they do while the ethical theory suggests the reasons for such.   The other difference is concerned with their motivation doctrines.   In psychological egoism it is human nature to be driven by selfish reasons whereas in the ethical egoism theory selfish acts are the morally right thing to do (More, G.E., 1903).Psychological egoism deals with reality while ethical egoism deals with what reality should be. It   can also be argued that ethical egoism approves of cooperative behaviour   while psychological egoism does not since the theory   believes in achieving maximum welfare though selfish actions . Conclusion Self-interest actions are not always selfish actions in that one can act in such a way as to benefit or for his personal welfare improvement.   Such actions cannot be termed as selfish and this is always seen as acts out of self-interest.   Self-interest acts are not always selfish acts but selfish actions are always out of personal self-interest. For example if an individual’s self interest is to obey the law we can claim the individual is doing this out of self interest, that is, it is in his/her self interest to avoid legal troubles like being jailed.   This can be seen as a selfish act.   But by obeying the law, it can also be argued that he is doing this in the interest of others or out of consideration of others.   In this case, this is not a selfish act.   However, self-interest actions are not always incompatible with the interest of others for example to help others, which is not a self-interest act.   An individual must first help himself inorder to be in a position to help others. Reference G.E. Moore (1903).   In Principia Ethica: Cambridge University Press. Rachels, J. (2003). The Elements of moral philosophy (4th ed). New York: McGraw-Hill. Sigmund, Freud (1966).   The Interpretation of Dreams.   New York: Avon.   

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Legal Process Paper

Introduction John is an employee in a private sector organization. He wants to file a discrimination complaint against his employer. Based on this scenario, I will prepare a paper discussing the discrimination process. This will include explaining the complaint and the civil litigation process. I will also explain how the complaint begins with the Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and proceeds through the litigation process from the state level up to the United States Supreme Court. This paper will include types of discrimination and a short description of each. Types of Discrimination There are several types of discrimination which include the following: Age, Disability, Equal Pay, National Origin, Pregnancy, Race, Religion, Sex, and Sexual Harassment. The first type of discrimination that I will describe is Age. Age discrimination protects people who are 40 years of age or older from employment discrimination based on age. The ADEA’s protects both the employee and the applicants. Under this law it would apply to employers who have 20 or more employees. The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits private employers from discriminating against qualified individuals. An individual with a disability is a person who: has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; has a record of such impairment; or is regarded as has having such impairment. The Equal Pay Act is the act that requires men and women be given equal pay for equal work in the same company. The jobs need not be identical, but they must be substantially equal. National origin discrimination has a meaning of treating someone less favorably because he or she comes from a different place. National origin also means treating someone different because they are related to or associated with another person from a different nationality. Process Paper 3 The next protected classification is the Pregnan... Free Essays on Legal Process Paper Free Essays on Legal Process Paper Introduction John is an employee in a private sector organization. He wants to file a discrimination complaint against his employer. Based on this scenario, I will prepare a paper discussing the discrimination process. This will include explaining the complaint and the civil litigation process. I will also explain how the complaint begins with the Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and proceeds through the litigation process from the state level up to the United States Supreme Court. This paper will include types of discrimination and a short description of each. Types of Discrimination There are several types of discrimination which include the following: Age, Disability, Equal Pay, National Origin, Pregnancy, Race, Religion, Sex, and Sexual Harassment. The first type of discrimination that I will describe is Age. Age discrimination protects people who are 40 years of age or older from employment discrimination based on age. The ADEA’s protects both the employee and the applicants. Under this law it would apply to employers who have 20 or more employees. The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits private employers from discriminating against qualified individuals. An individual with a disability is a person who: has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; has a record of such impairment; or is regarded as has having such impairment. The Equal Pay Act is the act that requires men and women be given equal pay for equal work in the same company. The jobs need not be identical, but they must be substantially equal. National origin discrimination has a meaning of treating someone less favorably because he or she comes from a different place. National origin also means treating someone different because they are related to or associated with another person from a different nationality. Process Paper 3 The next protected classification is the Pregnan...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Founding Brothers Paper essays

Founding Brothers Paper essays Founding Brothers by Joseph J. Ellis Published by Alfred A. Knopf, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, in 2000 There have been many key and important events in our nations history, and many people who have contributed to the growth and development of this country. Though many have played a significant role in our countrys history, out of all the events and people, one group or generation allowed all that followed to take place, and is one of the most important components in our American history, our Founding Fathers. The novel Founding Brothers discusses the major events and interactions of these Founding Brothers. The most famous duel in American history and the focus of the beginning chapter of the novel was the Hamilton Burr duel. Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel after the two had quarreled for some time. Both participants of the duel died in New Jersey in 1804 on July 11th. I found this event interesting not because of its importance of a historical nature, but because it was interesting to think that two very well known men with political careers would duel to the death over a feud. The times were obviously very different back then; to think that if two people in politics today had a duel over a fight of words is outlandish. I found it interesting to see how these men interacted and to see their personalities, as I had never seen them as characters but only historical figures. Another significant event was the dinner that Jefferson hosted invited Hamilton and Madison. The dinner at Jeffersons was to be a place of negotiation between Hamilton and Madison over Hamiltons program, which dealt with the national and states debt. Madison agreed to allow Hamiltons program to pass and got Hamilton to see to getting the nations capital in Virginia. After this dinner Madison reevaluated Hamiltons plan and once again ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Company Proposal of Web Design for a Group of UK University Education Thesis

Company of Web Design for a Group of UK University Education Professional ( web applications) - Thesis Proposal Example The administrators have privileged rights allowing them to manage user accounts and information on the website. The admin is also responsible for holding various events advertised on the website. It is proposed that international students should make up the largest number of visitors to such websites. It is uneconomical for them to travel to obtain information about courses offered in universities. The website’s interface will therefore be available in several languages namely; Brazilian, Chinese, Russian and Arabic. This will assist non-English speakers access it more easily. For easy navigation through various pages on the site, it will have several simple menus on the home page. These are forum, services, programs, courses, ILTEST and contact us. The path name to various pages on the website will be visible on the URL in the address bar of the browser. To get the latest communication and information out to the users, the website has a newsflash banner. This will give information such as events recently held by the website’s administrator. The newsflash could also include new functionality added to the website by the admin and the top rated course on the website. Another key feature of the website’s interface will be the search box on the top right corner of the home page. Using SEO, users can type keywords in the search box and results will be courses they are looking for (LYNCH and HORTON, 1999). Besides the search engine optimized search box, the website will also feature advanced search functionality. Below is a snapshot of the advanced search functionality. The search box will yield all results that match the search phrase. However, the advanced search allows the user to specify various criteria for a search. The advanced search has three dropdown menus from which the user can filter the search results. The criteria for filtering is the course name, program (undergraduate, postgraduate, etc) and the university’s location in the

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Learning Of Pharmacy Medicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Learning Of Pharmacy Medicine - Essay Example In my opinion, knowledge gained from your reputable institution will allow me to become an efficient pharmacist. Since my childhood until now, I have been able to realize that service is truly a way of contributing to the society and not everyone is capable of making such a contribution. Education that I gained has been efficient in inspiring me to give my best to individuals in need. In addition, research on the profession of pharmacy has indicated that this profession is in rapid process of emergence, and pharmacists are playing a crucial and noteworthy role in the establishment of quality standards for pharmaceutical, as well as health care in the society. Moreover, recent developments in the pharmacy have resulted in broad perspectives of the field that were not recognized earlier, such as the academic pharmacist, antibiotic pharmacist, etc. My passion and zeal for pharmacy enhanced during my volunteering at one of the pharmaceutical organizations that facilitated me in understanding the real impact of pharmacy on the society, and helped me in developing talent, as well as composure required in the profession. To be a great pharmacist, one has to care about others to the point of achieving beyond the objective. With every patient, a pharmacist has to carry out different tasks in responsible and efficient manner, in order to bring a positive and constructive change in one’s life. Unlike conventional pharmacy, pharmacists are now working closely with patients rather than limiting to the products, a significant factor of this profession that has inspired me to acquire education in this field and make a difference in human lives.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Children's Rights Child safety Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Children's Rights Child safety - Term Paper Example Their processes of identity development are influenced by totally different stimulus which affects their outlook in life. The challenging area regarding addressing child abuse, gender, ethnicity and disability is confronting the basic belief or attitude that the problems on foster care placement for children can be changed. If even one is reluctant to accept the idea that there are measures to be undertaken to address these issues, then, however plausible the courses of action are, these would prove to be futile. The objective of the essay is to synthesize crucial aspects of foster care, the adoption of children from the Public Child Welfare System, and the perspectives of risk and protecting children from diverse factors of harm. Initially, the discourse would identify factors which lead children to require the services of foster care, including a short discussion of risk and the consequences of adoption under the welfare system. Recommendations and concluding remarks would integrate and summarize the points discussed. Kris Johnson, a Foster Care Manager of the Minnesota Department of Human Services clearly defined foster care as â€Å"24-hour substitute care for children placed away from their parents or guardians and for whom the State agency has placement and care responsibility. This includes, but is not limited to, placements in foster family homes, foster homes of relatives, group homes, emergency shelters, residential facilities, child care institutions, and preadoptive homes† (Johnson, 2004, 1). There are diverse reasons why children are placed under foster care. As averred by Christina A (2010), the reasons why children are placed in foster care could be categorized into three, to wit: â€Å"societal and systemic factors, parent challenges, and factors directly relating to the child† (par. 1). As the term implies, social and systemic factors are external factors in a child’s environment

Monday, October 28, 2019

Terrorism Since Early 90’s Essay Example for Free

Terrorism Since Early 90’s Essay United States of America has constantly remained as one f the greatest nations in the whole world. As if it is the Promised Land, USA was gifted with resources and maintained its high economic status. This country has all access to basic education, enough food, health and welfare, while the remaining majority is desperately trying to reach those resources. Through the years, people would do anything in an attempt to stay and make a living in the perceived promise land. So the majority is divided into two categories: Some of them start to think of flying to developed countries, where they can meet their basic needs; others begin to believe that the reason of all their problems is rich peoples wealth, healthy ones health and educated ones awareness; so they try to destroy all those people and all those resources. Unfortunately, the well off living of the citizens of the United States have encouraged millions of illegal immigrants, overstaying and undocumented that such situation encouraged and became an ideal ground for terrorism. Robert W. McChesney, S. J. , (2001) the director of the Jesuit Refugee Service Immigration Detention Program in Los Angeles has sited several terrorist attacks since the early 1990’s. On Jan. 25, 1993, a lone gunman ambushed motorists waiting at a red light outside the main entrance to the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Langley, Va. Two C. I. A. employees were killed, and three other people were wounded as they sat innocently in their cars. The following month a 28-year-old Pakistani immigrant by the name of Mir Aimal Kansi was charged with capital murder, subsequently found guilty and sentenced to death. As it turned out, he had come to the United States in March of 1991 on a business visa and eventually was issued a work permit. He perpetrated the terrible crime while awaiting disposition of his application for political asylum. One month after the C. I. A. murders, an explosion rocked the World Trade Center in New York City, killing six people, wounding more than a thousand and sowing widespread fear. The following year, four Muslim fundamentalists were convicted of the crime. Each was sentenced to 240 years in prison. One had applied for political asylum, while another perpetrator had overstayed a student visa. Still later in 1993, an old cargo steamer ran aground on a sandbar in the surf off New York City. The Golden Venture dumped her human cargo of 286 undocumented Chinese into the water. They swam the last few hundred yards to shore, then were arrested and detained. The Golden Venture quickly became the national news obsession of the day. Every television station in the country played and replayed scenes of what some tabloids described as a â€Å"sea invasion of illegals. † An already nervous public mainstream was now confronted with stark images of drenched Chinese nationals huddling under blankets on a windy New York beach, staring in confusion at the television cameras. After three major incidents within six months, unscrupulous elements of the press found increasing profit in sensationalizing a story of immigrant hordes and terrorists breaching permeable borders to attack the fabric of American society. The immigration and criminal terrorist story lines blurred and became conflated. Popular discourse was virulent and fearful, and politicians took notice. The solution seemed all too obvious: close the borders to â€Å"illegal† and imprison or deport those already here. Perhaps the most infamous event of this period occurred on April 19, 1995, when a Ryder truck parked outside the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City exploded. The potent mix of fertilizer and fuel oil blew half the nine-story building into oblivion, killing 168 innocent people, including 19 children, and injuring another 500. According to initial press reports, â€Å"Middle-Easterners† were reportedly seen in the vicinity of the crime and were initially regarded as possible suspects. Two days after the blast, however, a Caucasian U. S. military veteran, Timothy McVeigh, was picked up and subsequently convicted of the heinous capital crime. Legislative reaction to the sluggish economy and high-profile crimes and incidents had begun at the state level. In November of 1994 California passed Proposition 187, which placed onerous restrictions on legal and illegal immigrants. The courts subsequently overturned the initiative, but its popular political resonance remained potent.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Stylistic Features in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Essay examples --

Stylistic Features in â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚         Henry Seidel Canby in â€Å"A Skeptic Incompatible with His Time and His Past† states: â€Å"And indeed there is a lack of consistence between the scorn that our younger critics shower upon Hawthorne’s moral creations and their respect for his style. They admit a dignity in the expression that they will not allow to the thing expressed† (62). The style found in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† has not only a â€Å"dignity in the expression† as stated above, but also many other interesting aspects, discussed in the following essay.    Canby continues:    Hawthorne’style has a mellow beauty; it is sometimes dull, sometimes prim, but it is never for an instant cheap, never, like our later American styles, deficient in tone and unity. It is a style with a patina that may or may not accord with current tastes, yet, as with Browne, Addison, Lamb, Thoreau, is undoubtedly a style. Such styles spring only from rich ground, long cultivated, and such a soil was Hawthorne’s. . . . Holding back from the new life of America into which Whitman was to plunge with such exuberance, he kept his style, like himself, unsullied by the prosaic world of industrial revolution, and chose, for his reality, the workings of the moral will. You can scarcely praise his style and condemn his subjects. Even romantic themes that would have been absurd in lesser hands get dignity from his purpose. . . . As Shakespeare, the Renaissance man, gave feudalism its final lift into the imagination, so Hawthorne, the skeptic with a moral obsession, raised New En gland Puritanism – not the theory, but the practice and still more the results in mind and spirit – into art. This lies behind his style (63). .. ...: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966.    Fuller, Edmund and B. Jo Kinnick in â€Å"Stories Derived from New England Living.† In Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne, edited by Clarice Swisher. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1996.    Hawthorne, Nathaniel. â€Å"Young Goodman Brown.† 1835.    James, Henry. Hawthorne.    Kaul, A.N. â€Å"Introduction.† In Hawthorne – A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by A.N. Kaul. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966.    Swisher, Clarice. â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne: a Biography.† In Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne, edited by Clarice Swisher. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1996.    Wagenknecht, Edward. Nathaniel Hawthorne – The Man, His Tales and Romances. New York: Continuum Publishing Co., 1989.   

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Free Speech -- Freedom of Speech Essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In order to find truth to anything, one must make multiple suggestions, ask many questions, and sometimes ponder the unspeakable. Without doing so, there would be no process of elimination; therefore, truth would be virtually unattainable. Now, in our attempts to either find truth, express our beliefs and opinions, or generally use the rights we are given constitutionally, we are often being criticized and even reprimanded. Our freedom to voice our opinion(s) is being challenged, as critics of free speech are taking offense to what seems like anything and everything merely controversial and arguably prejudice. As people continue to strive for a nation free of prejudice and discrimination, where everyone is equal, safe and happy, they overlook the outcome of creating such an environment. Without different beliefs, theories, opinions and controversy, we will never advance as a people. All we would be left to do is think and speak the same, and be lieve the same beliefs. Our minds will no longer be able to run wild with brilliant, and sometimes controversial, thoughts; though, even if they did, we wouldn't be able to vocalize any of it. Although it is comforting to think that there will come a time when nobody will say or do anything offensive and prejudice is diminished, the reality is that a nation without the freedom to voice anything controversial, opinionated , and even prejudice, is hardly desirable as we will be deprived of intellectual freedom and truth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is easy to wonder whether there really is such a thing as free speech; better yet, complete free speech. (â€Å"Free† meaning unrestricted and without consequences) Sure, the majority of us say whatever we want, when we want, to whom we want, but there are some cases where our speech is hardly free. There has been many instances where complications and debates have risen over borderline comments, words, etc. People are being told that they have the ability to say whatever they want and believe in; however, many people are facing lawsuits and even consequences for doing so. With that said, one could wonder whether there is inadequacy in our constitution that is allowing people to be reprimanded for practicing their rights. However, it is not always citizens who are being challenged by the government for abuse of free speech. In his essay, â€Å"In Defense Of Prejudice†, Jonathan Ra... ...solution is to ask which is more important: prohibiting language that could provoke or offend people (and thus prohibit any sort of opposition) or allow people to think out of the norm and different than what is considered morally acceptable? Conforming to censorship can only lead to silencing our voices and ultimately narrow our thoughts and minds. To risk hearing powerful voices in society because of who they may offend isn't worth it. It seems that people are being offended by comments that they allow to penetrate their self esteem and self respect. Being secure enough in your personal beliefs and yourself is the best way to handle what may be considered offensive speech. Allow people to feel, think and speak differently; for there is surely a time when we have said or will say something inciting to someone, regardless of whether it was purposeful or mistaken. We cannot allow such instances to constrain our right to voice our opinions. Censoring speech may prohibit citizens fr om speaking of unacceptable and provocative issues; however, those feelings and beliefs will still linger. Although they won't be expressed verbally, they will inevitably be expressed one way or another.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy

Ovarian Cyst during Pregnancy What are ovarian cysts? Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled, sac-like structures within an ovary. The term cyst refers to a fluid-filled structure. Therefore, all ovarian cysts contain at least some fluid. What causes ovarian cysts? Ovarian cysts form for numerous reasons. The most common type is a follicular cyst, which results from the growth of a follicle. A follicle is the normal fluid-filled sac that contains an egg. Follicular cysts form when the follicle grows larger than normal during the menstrual cycle and does not open to release the egg. Usually, follicular cysts resolve on their own over the course of days to months. Cysts can contain blood (hemorrhagic or endometrioid cysts) from injury or leakage of tiny blood vessels into the egg sac. Occasionally, the tissues of the ovary develop abnormally to form other body tissues such as hair or teeth. Cysts with these abnormal tissues are called dermoid cysts. What symptoms are caused by ovarian cysts? Most cysts are never noticed and resolve without women ever realizing that they are there. When a cyst causes symptoms, pain in the belly or pelvis is by far the most common one. The pain can be caused from rupture of the cyst, rapid growth and stretching, bleeding into the cyst, or twisting of the cyst around its blood supply. How are ovarian cysts diagnosed? Most cysts are diagnosed by ultrasound, which is the best imaging technique for detecting ovarian cysts. Ultrasound is an imaging method that uses sound waves to produce an image of structures within the body. Ultrasound imaging is painless and causes no harm. Cysts can also be detected with other imaging methods, such as CAT scan or MRI scan (magnetic resonance imaging). How can the physician decide if an ovarian cyst is dangerous? If a woman is in her 40's, or younger, and has regular menstrual periods, most ovarian masses are â€Å"functioning ovarian cysts,† which are not really abnormal. They are related to the process of ovulation that happens with the menstrual cycle. They usually disappear on their own during a future menstrual cycle. Therefore, especially in women in their 20's and 30's, these cysts are watched for a few menstrual cycles to verify that they disappear. Because oral contraceptives work in part by preventing ovulation, physicians will not really expect women who are taking oral contraceptives to have common â€Å"functioning ovarian cysts. † Thus, women who develop ovarian cysts while taking oral contraceptives may be advised against simple observation; rather, they may receive closer monitoring with pelvic ultrasound or, less commonly, surgical exploration of the ovary. Other factors are helpful in evaluating ovarian cysts (besides the woman's age, or whether she is taking oral contraceptives). A cyst that looks like it's just one simple sac of fluid on the ultrasound is more likely to be benign, than a cyst with solid tissue in it. So the ultrasound appearance also plays a role in determining the level of suspicion regarding a serious ovarian growth. Ovarian cancer is rare in women younger than age 40. After age 40, an ovarian cyst has a higher chance of being cancerous than before age 40, although most ovarian cysts are benign even after age 40. CA-125 blood testing can be used as a marker of ovarian cancer, but it does not always represent cancer when it is abnormal. First, many benign conditions in women of childbearing age can cause the CA-125 level to be elevated, so CA-125 is not a specific test, especially in younger women. Pelvic infections, uterine fibroids, pregnancy, benign (hemorrhagic) ovarian cysts, and liver disease are all conditions that may elevate CA-125 in the absence of ovarian cancer. Second, even if the woman has an ovarian cancer, not all ovarian ca ncers will cause the CA-125 level to be elevated. Furthermore, CA-125 levels can be abnormally high in women with breast, lung, and pancreatic cancer. How are ovarian cysts treated? Most ovarian cysts in women of childbearing age are follicular cysts (functional cysts) that disappear naturally in 1-3 months. Although they can rupture (usually without ill effects), they rarely cause symptoms. They are benign and have no real medical consequence. They may be diagnosed coincidentally during a pelvic examination in women who do not have any related symptoms. All women have follicular cysts at some point that generally go unnoticed. A follicular cyst in a woman of childbearing age is usually observed for a few menstrual cycles because the cysts are common, and ovarian cancer is rare in this age group. Sometimes ovarian cysts in menstruating women contain some blood, called hemorrhagic cysts, which frequently resolve quickly. Ultrasound is used to determine the treatment strategy for ovarian cysts because if can help to determine if the cyst is a simple cyst (just fluid with no solid tissue, seen in benign conditions) or compound cyst (with some solid tissue that requires closer monitoring and possibly surgical resection). In summary, the ideal treatment of ovarian cysts depends on the woman's age, the size (and change of size) of the cyst, and the cyst's appearance on ultrasound. Treatment can consist of simple observation, or it can involve evaluating blood tests such as a CA-125 to help determine the potential for cancer (keeping in mind the many limitations of CA-125 testing described above). The tumor can be removed either with laparoscopy, or if needed, an open laparotomy (using and incision at the bikini line) if it is causing severe pain, not resolving, or if it is suspicious in any way. Once the cyst is removed, the growth is sent to a pathologist who examines the tissue under a microscope to make the final diagnosis as to the type of cyst present. Ovarian Cysts At A Glance Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled, sac-like structures. Ovarian cysts form for numerous reasons. When a cyst causes symptoms, pain in the belly or pelvis is by far the most common one. Most cysts are diagnosed by ultrasound. The treatment of ovarian cysts varies from observation and monitoring to surgical procedures. Case Study: Ovarian Cyst during Pregnancy I am 35 and 13 weeks into my second pregnancy. Four weeks ago, I went to the hospital for pain in my lower right quadrant. A sonogram showed a cyst on my right ovary, about 15cm. The doctor has had me in bed since then, and I have had two more sonograms. It hasn't gone down. The doctors seem to think it is fluid-filled and not cancerous. Can cysts really go down on their own? How long should I wait to see if it will go down? Have you heard of any cysts this large during pregnancy, and do they pose a danger to the baby? Cysts (fluid-filled structures) can go down on their own, but it is unlikely a 15cm cyst in pregnancy will do so. Cysts are not that uncommon during pregnancy, affecting about 1 in 1,000 pregnant women. The vast majority of ovarian masses found during pregnancy are benign; the incidence of ovarian cancer is 1 in 25,000 births. Ultrasound can be helpful in determining if a mass is benign or malignant, but it cannot do so with 100 percent certainty. If ultrasound shows that the mass is strictly fluid-filled, without septation or thick walls, it is probably benign. The problem with large, even benign, cysts during pregnancy is that they may rupture or torse (twist on themselves). Either of these events leads to significant pain for mom and the potential for miscarriage or preterm labor and delivery for the baby. Large (more than 6-8cm) cysts are usually removed surgically if they do not decrease in size spontaneously over the course of a few weeks. In pregnancy, the best time to operate is in the second trimester, ideally around 14-16 weeks. Occasionally, a cyst may be dealt with via laparoscopy, but very large cysts often require a large, open incision. A 15 cm cyst is rather big, and the potential for complications like rupture is high. If it has remained for more than two weeks, I suggest you talk to your doctor about your option. Your doctor may have been just watching you for now, until you get out of the first trimester (the first 13 weeks of pregnancy). I have removed several masses this size during pregnancy, and all of my patients went on to deliver normal, healthy babies.